
Lie #2113

Lie #2113

31 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

How to shower correctly.

Lie #2112

Lie #2112

30 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

A full and complete explanation on the mechanics of boomerangs.

Lie #2111

Lie #2111

29 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

Hippos dream of a time when they can return to the land.

Lie #2110

Lie #2110

28 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

The truth about barnacles.

Lie #2109

Lie #2109

27 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

Home runs are a myth.

Lie #2108

Lie #2108

26 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

A growling stomach is more dangerous than you might imagine.

Lie #2107

Lie #2107

25 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

The rejuvenating power of camel sweat.

Lie #2106

Lie #2106

24 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

Wishing for things contributes to the heat death of the universe.

Lie #2105

Lie #2105

23 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

Wishes have user locks.

Lie #2104

Lie #2104

22 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

There’s a timeless battle between optometrists and dentists that you’re not aware of.

Lie #2103

Lie #2103

21 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

The dark ceremonial history of cutting the grass.

Lie #2102

Lie #2102

20 Aug, 2015 Ernie Vance

Origami is the art of making do with what you’ve got.

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